Daisypath Friendship tickers

Saturday, June 2, 2012


epey nampak kak? hehe...

Alhamdulillah, semakin pjg langkahku hihi...tq fizah, other people for sure not confident to let someone who just  got P licence to drive, but fizah Alhamdulillah believe me, even yes..yes.... i still make a little mistake, tunjuk ajarku sifuuu hehe...

believe it or not, she let me driven from perlis to kedah n today i driven from uum to arau to attended marriage ceremony...Alhamdulillah...we are arrived safely =)

Tadi msa drive smpt berkhayal, bestnya if i have my own car, for sure every weeks i balik kampong yeaaaa hehe...InsyaAllah =)

                                                     Ni la mini cooper fizah yg ku drive hehe...

wif mahaguru hehe....

Brutal itu penting? hehe... 
pic taken - 2011, Pulau Pinang...

Dulu penah dgr dlm radio, sorg gurl col DJ n said, she really like to heard Daniel Bedingfield song while drive, tittle - If You're Not The One, from that, trus aku cri lagu tu, n terminat ngan lagu ni n teringin gak msa drive nk dgr lagu ni...apa rasa er? hehe...ada jg org mcm ni kan? hihi...

pe pn, love as always... <3

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